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Ethersmart And WiFi Wildcards

Mosaic Industries Inc

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Mosaic Industries Inc Ethersmart And WiFi Wildcards - Ethersmart And WiFi Wildcards by Mosaic Industries Inc

Ethersmart And WiFi Wildcards by Mosaic Industries Inc

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These tiny 2" by 2.5" boards are members of the Wildcard series that connect to Mosaic embedded controllers. The Ethersmart or the WiFi Wildcard are plugged directly into any Mosaic single board computer or operator interface to deliver the benefits of web connectivity to OEM applications. The EtherSmart Wildcard provides wired Ethernet connectivity, and the WiFi Wildcard provides wireless 802.11b/g connectivity. These two plug-in modules use similar hardware, and a common software driver supports both.

The EtherSmart/WiFi Wildcard implements a dynamic webserver that accepts connections from a web browser, serving out static or dynamic web pages. The end-users can connect to their programmable controllers from a web browser to monitor status, diagnose problems or update software in their instruments.

Built-in software lets the end-users send emails from the instrument, serve out static and dynamic web pages to a PC-based browser, and implement serial data exchanges known as serial tunneling with peripheral devices. An application program can send emails to transmit data or alert other computers on the network when significant events occur.

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Mosaic Industries Inc

Since 1985 Mosaic develops and manufactures low cost I/O-rich single board computers, programmable controllers, operator interfaces, graphical user interfaces and development tools for embedded control, data acquisition and communications in instruments and automation.