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  |  Cable Test Material Handling Machines

Autoclave And Oven Controls

Turbocraft, Inc.

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Autoclave And Oven Controls by Turbocraft, Inc.

Related Technologies:

Based on our PID Control for Opto 22 systems,
the PID algorithm is the heart of this application
and has been proven in many projects - not
just autoclaves and ovens.

- 20 cure segments (more can be added for a fee)
- PID Temperature control based on air, lead, lag, avg, specific thermocouple
- Monitoring of T/C's for "sanity" and connection - auto removal if bad
- Specify alternate T/C's if control is by specific T/C
- PID Pressure control
- Vacuum monitoring
- Simple Calibration
- Easy to use interface
- Transition criteria based on lead, lag, avg, specific T/C, pressure, or time
- Create, edit, and save cure profiles while running
- Unlimited number of cure profiles - limited only by hard drive space
- Tend histories - go back and review past cures
- Data logging to text files that can be opened in a spreadsheet

We also do controls refits for those older autoclaves and ovens that have worn
out or are not performing to your specs.

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About Turbocraft, Inc.

Turbocraft, Inc.

Turbocraft is an engineering services company that has expertise in Factory Automation, Machine Design, Manufacturing Engineering, Process Control, Systems Integration, Instrumentation and Controls, PLC Programming, Operator Interface Design, Specialty Machinery, Tool Design, and CAD services. Turbocraft can re-design existing parts to improve manufacturability. We can design the manufacturing equipment to make the part/s. We can take an existing manufacturing process and automate it. We can design an automation/process control system, and integrate the machine, sensor, controls, and operator interface into your factory environment. We can re-program your existing PLC’s to incorporate additional manufacturing steps, or design and test a new PLC program. We can engineer your manufacturing tooling and shop aids. We can prototype your new part/s in 3D CAD and provide fully rendered views so you see what it looks like before it is built. We also have experience in guiding ideas through the patent process. PLC manufacturers that we have experience with are Opto 22, Allen Bradley, Omron, IDEC, Automation Direct, & Beckhoff.