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Wk 500 Demister Pads Making Machine

Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt.ltd

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Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt.ltd  Wk 500 Demister Pads Making Machine - Wk 500 Demister Pads Making Machine by Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt.ltd

Wk 500 Demister Pads Making Machine by Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt.ltd

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wk 500 is a highspeed wire knitting machine made by rishikesh electromatic pvt.ltd ,india
we have variety of machines for knitted wire mesh machine and we also provide total projects for gasket making,demister pads and mist eliminator productions, with soft ware for demister pads cost calculations.www.wireknitting.com

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About Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt.ltd

Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt.ltd

Welcome to Wire Knitting.com Rishikesh Electromatic now introduces wireknitting.com, a site dedicated to Wire Knitting Machines. Our Machines are backed by over 20 years of Experience in the wire knitting Industry. Rishikesh Electromatic has gained a reputation of being a competent and competitive wire knitting machine manufacturer world around.

Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt. Ltd inherited wire knitting machine making from Mr. P. M. Parekh father of our existing director Mr. Vijay Parekh. The first wire knitting machine was made by Mr. P. M. Parekh in 1957 and in 1986 Mr. Vijay Parekh took over and formed Rishikesh Electromatic Pvt. Ltd and started marketing and selling wire knitting machines Internationally, Rishikesh took ones step further and made technical collaboration with German technologist Mr. Hart Mann to design WK 500 series of wire knitting machine and captured major markets of Europe, North America, Canda, South Africa, Russia etc. Rishikesh is now world known company for its High speed wire knitting machine, by selling more then 700 wire knitting machine worlds over.

Providing a competitive and top standing service in the supply of world class wire knitting machines, when searching to purchase the best in this piece of equipment, Rishikesh Electromatic is the company to turn to.