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Dehn, Inc.

Dehn, Inc.

851 S. Kings Highway

Fort Pierce, FL 34945






Automation Manufacturer


Dehn Technical Seminar Now Approved By Ieee For Ceu Or Pdh Credit

Fort Pierce, FL (June 18th, 2013) - DEHN, Inc. Technical Seminar Now Approved by IEEE for CEU/PDH Credit The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) gives approval Fort Pierce, FL; Feb, 14, 2013: DEHN, Inc. is happy to announce that the IEEE (www.ieee.org) , a prestigious and internationally recognized engineering organization, has given technical credence to DEHN’s technical seminar, “Protecting Systems from Lightning & Surge Activity”. The seminar is available to professional engineers and other technical positions for the credit of 0.6 CEUs/6.0 PDH for the daylong session. This seminar will be delivered in various locations around the Southeast United States during the months of February and March 2013. Please go to http://www.dehn-usa.com/news/index.asp#seminars for more information on dates, locations and registration. Topics include tutorials on the lightning phenomena and the effect...