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Why Local Automation?
The automation industry is a complex, highly-specialized industry. A single automated machine can contain hundreds of intricate mechanical and electronic devices, each requiring specialized training to install, service, and support. Businesses that invest in automation understand the complexity of their investment and, as a result, often insist on purchasing automation products exclusively from manufacturers with an extensive, local support network.
The purpose of is to bring together 'buyers' and 'sellers' of industrial automation technologies by providing powerful online tools to both groups. is a free, fully-automated website. What does that mean? Once you open an account, you can do everything on your own, including:
Businesses / Automation Sellers (e.g. Manufacturers, Distributors, Custom Machine Builders, and Integrators)
create an online profile for your business
advertise your products
post your upcoming events
issue online press releases
post job openings
participate in online discussions
chat online with other automation professionals
create an automation discussion group
link your business profile to your automation partners
submit products, events, and job openings for inclusion in our weekly newsletter
browse automation projects which are out for bidding in your area
Individuals / Automation Buyers (e.g. Manufacturing Engineers, Automation Engineers, Service Technicians, etc.)
create a personal profile
apply for job openings
chat online with other automation professionals
participate in online discussions
create and administer online discussion groups
post new projects for review and receive competitive bids from LocalAutomation members
receive weekly e-mail updates featuring the latest products, press releases, local events, and job openings
expand your network of contacts within the automation industry
If you would like to advertise your business on or simply open an individual account in order to network with other automation professionals, click here to get started!
Features for Buyers / Individuals (Free)
All of the features listed below are available free-of-charge to all members of All you need to do is open an account to get started!
Features for Sellers / Businesses (Free)
All of the features listed below are available free-of-charge to business members of All you need to do is open an account, and you can instantly start promoting your business - for free!
Features for Sellers / Businesses (Premium)
All of the features listed below are designed specifically for automation product manufacturers (e.g. manufacturers of servo systems, power supplies, vision systems, etc.) These features will revolutionize the efficiency, transparency, and profitability of your business by seamlessly integrating all of your business sytems into a single web interface and automating the repetitive tasks of industrial sales (e.g. disseminating product announcements and press releases to your sales staff and distribution network, issuing quotations, verifying prices and lead times, etc.)