Animatics SmartMotor by Animatics
Related Technologies:
The SmartMotor�...fully integrated servo motion control systemThe SmartMotor� is a fully integrated, powerful, compact unit that significantly elevates state-of-the-art motion control technology. It combines a controller, motor drive, encoder, and network manager and packs it into the back of a high quality brushless D.C. Servo Motor.Integrated motion control features multi-axis coordinated motion, network bus capabilities of RS232, RS485, DeviceNet� and ProfiBus, highly flexible on-board and expandable I/O. Any SmartMotor� can control an entire machine. Frame sizes range from standard NEMA 17 to NEMA 56 with speeds in excess of 10,000 RPM.
While the SmartMotor� is very competitive with other solutions, it can pay for itself several times over because it is so much easier to service, especially from remote locations. Anyone who can turn a screwdriver can replace a machine's entire control system. What�s more, such an occasion is far less likely because the SmartMotor� solution has no inter-system cables to fail. Fewer components (especially fewer cables) maximize the SmartMotor� MTBF and make it a favorite for machine builders all over the world.
Product Features
Coordinated Motion
An array of SmartMotors� can be daisy-chained over RS-232 or linked by RS-485, DeviceNet�, or Profibus�, to coordinate motion and automate multi-axis machines. Position, Velocity and Acceleration can be precisely controlled to within 32 bits of resolution, handling the most demanding of applications.
Circular Interpolation
Circular Interpolation and Contouring is a snap with the SmartMotors� thanks to an advanced communications format combined with a new micro-interpolation function inside the SmartMotor�. Animatics provides host drivers and even a full blown CNC G-Code interface program for the host PC or LapTop. Do Linear, Circular, even Helical Interpolation, along with M-Codes. This makes the SmartMotor� perfect for applications such as Milling, Laser or Water Jet Cutting, Routing, and Turning. Do it all, but without a cabinet full of controls or an expensive and custom CRT.
Torque and Velocity
Control Because of the SmartMotor�s low cost, it is an excellent choice even for simple torque or velocity control. In Torque Mode, the SmartMotor� is a source for highly controllable continuous torque, completely independent of position. In Velocity Mode, velocity is held to within a fraction of a percent, and velocity, acceleration, and deceleration can be modified on the fly.
Device Connectivity
The SmartMotor� has internal Analog and Digital I/O, and can also make use of the AniLink port to provide access to extended I/O. In the future, we will also offer Ethernet and Fieldbus extensibility. For communications, the SmartMotor� offers RS-232, AniLink (proprietary), and RS-485 protocols.
Stepper Replacement / Substitution
Throughput on machines using traditional stepper (or microstepper) motors can be dramatically increased by replacing existing stepper axes with SmartMotors�. The traditional drive-amplifier combination can be seamlessly replaced by routing step and direction signals from the existing motion indexing system directly to the SmartMotor�. No hardware or software changes are required, save for user-specified increases in speed allowed by the superior high-speed performance characteristic of servomotors.
Multi-Node Motion Networking
Multiple axes of SmartMotors� (up to 100) can be networked together (using RS-485 adapters), but without the usual hassle of encoder and drive cables. Additionally, all home and limit sensors can be connected directly to the motors themselves, so cabling is reduced to an unprecedented level of simplicity.
CE Certification
SmartMotor� Brushless DC integrated motion control systems are CE certified. During the overall machine certification process, this can be a crucial benefit.
On-The-Fly Motion Parameter Control
All motion parameters are accessible before, during, or after any move. Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Kp, Kd, Ki, Kl, Kv, Ka, Kg can all be changed continuously during motion. No stopping is necessary for perfect 32-bit profiling.
Configuration Replication
Individuality is great for humans but not necessarily desirable for machines. The SmartMotor�s unique all-digital, downloadable, programming methodology means that each system�s tuning and performance parameters can be exactly replicated. After the prototype, never tune a servo again, even in production. Download the same information to each motor. Be certain that the performance and throughput of machine #1001 will precisely match that of machine #0001.
Encoder Following
The SmartMotor� will follow an external encoder with virtually any gearing ratio. This ratio is set in software. While the motor is performing electronic gearing, it can also run its internal program interpreter, and talk to peripherals. Alternatively, an external encoder can be used to increment and decrement the internal 32-Bit counter, for later use within the application program.
Intelligent Communications
Use the SmartMotor's second RS-485 port to talk to intelligent peripherals like MFCs, light curtains, bar code readers, absolute encoders or even other SmartMotors�. Once baud rate, bit, and parity parameters have been set properly, the SmartMotors� can communicate with virtually any serially addressable device!
Cam Following
Load a cam table for high speed cam following with interpolation between table entries.
Battery Operation
Because the electronics within the SmartMotor� are CMOS and the amplifier is extremely efficient, it is also an excellent choice for battery or remote operation.
Application Development Using SMI
All SmartMotors� come with a terminal program, a program editor, and a source level debugger. These can be loaded from CD-ROM, or simply downloaded via the Internet. Simply write your program, test it and download it to the SmartMotor�. Either reset or re-power your SmartMotor� and watch your program go to work. System parameters can be monitored and modified in real time, all from one screen. This Windows interface comes with source code to a variety of different host and embedded applications in both BASIC and C.
Complete Access to all Internal Resources
All input, output, and internal status information is accessible through pre-defined variable names for program monitoring and control. That information is available for serial polling as well, and even includes such information as bus voltage, internal temperature, instantaneous current, and input status. The SmartMotor� can even be programmed to preemptively signal warnings or faults based on this gathered data. Prompt an operator to lubricate a ball screw, clear a jam, or perform PM before any damage is done and before productivity is lost. Cheat the statistics that dictate MTBF by taking advantage of your SmartMotor�s �intelligence!�
Optically Isolated Connectivity
Every SmartMotor� has an AniLink port that, with an adapter, can plug right into a rack of optically isolated I/O (such as OPTO-22). This adapter is designed to further leverage the SmartMotor's ability to access external I/O, creating a simpler, more tightly controlled machine.
About Animatics

Animatics is the pioneer and recognized leader of integrated motion control. The SmartMotor is an integrated motor by Animatics. Designed by the industry leader, the Smart Motor is highly integrated control and is just one of the innovative motion control products by Animatics.
The SmartMotor is a complete, compact and user-friendly integrated control system that features a brushless DC servo motor, motion controller, encoder and amplifier.
Our line of integrated motion control products feature multi-axis coordinated motion, network bus capabilities of RS232, RS485, DeviceNet and ProfiBus, and highly flexible on-board and expandable I/O. Any SmartMotor can control an entire machine. Frame sizes range from standard NEMA 17 to NEMA 56 with speeds in excess of 10,000 RPM.