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Machine Vision Seminar

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Machine Vision Seminar

Machine Vision Seminar

This three hour workshop is designed to highlight the latest advancements in machine vision technology and to show you how to setup and program a complete vision system from Cognex.

All students will receive a complimentary copy of InSight Explorer 4.2 - the latest programming software from Cognex. Using that software, our staff of engineers will teach you how to:

1. connect to a camera
2. adjust I/O parameters
3. adjust exposure times
4. create a vision job
5. communicate inspection results to external devices (e.g. PLC, HMI, motion controller, etc.)
6. save vision job to camera
7. and much more!

There will be plenty of time throughout the day to address your application-specific questions. Please feel free to bring your parts to the seminar.


210 Meister Avenue

Somerville, NJ 08876


June 30th, 2009 - Tuesday

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Registration Information

Registration Required: $25.00

Seats Remaining: 249

Event Coordinator

Sean Broihier

Automation Engineer

(908) 429-0090 x 248

sbroihier - at - axisnj.com

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About Local Automation

Local Automation

This is a sample company description. LocalAutomation.com is an interactive website designed for the industrial automation industry. Our goal is to bring together 'users' and 'providers' of industrial automation technologies. The automation industry is a complex, highly-specialized industry. A single automated machine can contain hundreds of intricate mechanical and electronic devices, each requiring specialized training to install, service, and support. Businesses that invest in automation understand the complexity of their investment and, as a result, often insist on purchasing automation products and services exclusively from local 'providers'. If you are an automation �provider�, it can be a difficult task to build local awareness of your business and ensure that your products and services are always considered for projects in your area. If you are an automation �user�, it can be just as difficult to verify that you are using the best technologies... from the best local 'providers'... at a reasonable price. LocalAutomation.com brings these two groups together with powerful tools for both! Click here to learn more. Best of luck in 2008!