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Space Care Interiors

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Space Care Interiors

Space Care Interiors

2222 W. Eleven Mle Rd

Berkley, Michigan 48072


(248) 541-9060




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Space Care Interiors

Space Care Interiors

2222 W. Eleven Mle Rd

Berkley, Michigan 48072


(248) 541-9060

Space Care Interiors is a total turnkey provider in creating or modernizing the work place environment. A full service facility management team that supports function, work flow modernizations, ergonomics, construction services and move management. We provide contemporary furnishings, filing systems building finihes and construction materials.

" We believe that an office can be a wonderfully complex combination of people, equipment, energy (both human and electrical), activity and enthusiasm - all of which must exist in a productive balance. It is hard to know exactly what makes a good office work. Sure we can name some reasons: good people, good spirits, good work and a good, productive environment. Teknion contributes a variety of well-designed, durable, functional furniture. We think that most office environments can contribute more than they do to support successful organizations. We have come to this realization by listening for a combined 50 years to our customers, our designers, and our researchers. Now we'd like to listen to you."