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Onyx Industries

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Onyx Industries

Onyx Industries

2347 Commerce Drive

Hastings , MN 55033


(651) 204-0797




Automation Manufacturer

Onyx Industries

Onyx Industries

2347 Commerce Drive

Hastings , MN 55033


(651) 204-0797

Onyx Industries designs and manufactures Industrial Indicator Lights and Controls. The Command Tower Line of warning lights are made with metal shells (304SS, plated steel or powder coated steel) and are exceptionally tough. We use high luminous LED's as an illumination source. This supports very long life, high brightness and maintenance free operation. All units are offered with options for Buzzers. All mounting options are made of thick wall or solid metal. Products are offered with M12 Connectors or jacketed multi-conductor cables.

There are [5] sizes currently fitting small to very large machines. Up to [5] colors per unit are supported in any color order and combination of Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and White. A 6th Color Segment can be realized with our illuminated cap option, which works either stand-alone or with the buzzer on the 251 Command Tower.

Onyx Industries can also design & integrate customized warning solutions to suit specific requirements