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Online Devices Announces The New 32ch Multiplexer Relay Board

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Online Devices Announces The New 32ch Multiplexer Relay Board






Online Devices Announces The New 32ch Multiplexer Relay Board

Sept 19th 2012 - Online-Devices announced a new Relay Multiplexer Board with 32 Differential Channels or 16 Quad Channels, with a contact rating of 2 Amp @ 30VDC and 1Amp @ 115VAC. This new board, IA-3133-U2i, is made by Intelligent-Appliance, an innovative manufacturer, specializing in Data Acquisition and Control products for the Industrial, Building Control and Agriculture fields.

Controlling the IA-3133-U2i is a very simple task. The onboard firmware makes sure only one single channel is operating at any given time, while ensuring “Make-before-Break” functionality, for multi-source secure operation.

The IA-3133-U2i can be controlled by either USB or RS-232 port, and it includes a simple, transparent Daisy-Chain structure for an easy operation of up to 256 units.

The onboard USB port is of Virtual COM port nature, and it provides a Galvanic isolation between the PC to the relay multiplexer, eliminating any possible ground loop operation problems.
As a real or virtual RS-232 controlled device, any operation system can be supported, while future software updates, on the customer’s side, will be quite simple, as it will not be a matter of software drivers update. The USB driver update is being done, automatically, by the PC Operating System, and has no effect on customer’s dedicated software.

For more information you may follow this link: https://www.online-devices.com/product-522-IA_3133_U2i.aspx
Or contact: sales@online-devices.com

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