Friday, September 07, 2007
Markus Tarin, President & CEO of MoviMED announces a full line of system solutions for advanced infra-red non-destructive testings.
Material defects in composite, honeycomb, metal and non-metals can be detected using this state-of-the-art system. The applied principles are referred to as Lock-In Thermography, Pulse Thermography, Transient Thermography and Thermo-Radiography.
A typical system is comprised of a thermal camera, either cooled or uncooled, a modulated heat source that is synchronized with the camera via a proprietary frame grabber. The system comes complete with software for defect analysis.
Applications include:
- Aerospace fuselage inspection of Boeing Aircrafts
- Marine/Boating: Boat Hull Inspection
- Energy: Rotor Blade inspection
- Automotive: Dash board Inspection
and many more.
Reference Installations: The Boeing Company, Lufthansa AG, BMW, VW, Deutsche Airbus