TG-40SP Ultrasonic Directional Speaker by Meicheng Audio Video Co., Ltd.
Related Technologies:
Advantages of the Ultrasonic Directional Speaker:
1. Strong Directionality: Achieves the best voice control point and maximum reduction in noise pollution.
2. Easy Installation: Can be installed at any angle.
Ultrasonic waves are only a few millimeters in length. They are much smaller than traditional speakers and can produce a narrow, nearly linear beam of sound.
Ultrasonic wave directional loudspeakers can travel through the air like a flashlight beam, controlling the sound in a particular area. Sound can be enhanced in a specific area and diminished everywhere else.
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About Meicheng Audio Video Co., Ltd.

Meicheng is one of the leading companies in audio video specialist market in Taiwan. Our business specializes in audio video equipment to fulfill the needs of organizational and private sector clients. At Meicheng we continue to deliver professional yet affordable applications for our clients to explore their audio video solutions. Meicheng is insisted on quality and customer service has granted its widespread recognition; many internal customers have bought our products. All inquiry are welcome and be assure of competitive price from us. The D&B D-U-N-S® Number is : 65-774-9516